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Sustainability bite

Bloomin Marvellous. The Castle has won Best Food Growing Project at the Hackney in Bloom 2013 Awards. And the Best Newcomer Award too.

More Sustainability....

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Company values

Our Vision

The Castle Climbing Centre will be Europe’s leading climbing centre - providing a continually evolving, comprehensive, customer focussed service that creates a stimulating environment for climbers at all levels of the sport. We will be a benchmark for environmental and economic sustainability. 

Our values: Quality – Sustainability – Integrity


We are committed to providing the highest quality across everything we offer both as service providers and as employers.

Comprehensive - We will provide a full range of services for climbers of all abilities from mountaineers to boulderers, from experts to novice climbers.

Advocacy - We support our employees in their personal climbing so that they will inspire customers with their own love of the sport and identify with customers’ needs and problems.

Safety - We will be industry leaders in safety standards for climbing walls and best practice.


We are committed to maintaining a sustainable business for the next fifty years and beyond.

Environmental - We believe that business is only sustainable if it operates within an ecosystem rather than against it and if it benefits future generations as equally as our own.

Social - We aim to integrate our centre into the community so that local residents can see the centre as an asset and a facility they can be proud to be associated with.

Economic - To remain a financially viable business, we will ensure that the needs of all stakeholders are met.

Long-term - We will not sacrifice the long term interests of the company and its stakeholders for short term benefits.


We are committed to acting as responsible employers and operators and promote the finest traditions of the sport.

Ethical Approach to Customers - We will not oversell the facilities, services or climbing as a sport.  We will always consider the customer’s best interests when offering a service.

Ethical Approach to Employees - We will look after our employees’ welfare so that they are satisfied in their work and proud to work for The Castle.

Respect - We will respect our customers’ and employees’ rights as individuals, the confidentiality of their personal information and their rights to their own attitudes and beliefs.

Personal responsibility - Remaining within the ethics and traditions of the sport; we will not impose unnecessarily restrictive practices but promote an ethos of individual responsibility

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