
Sustainability is in our DNA. Our planet is precious, and as climbers we have a duty to protect it.

Our goal is to achieve Net Zero status by 2024, and to halve GHG emissions by 2030.

What is Net Zero?

Net Zero means reducing emissions to their lowest amount through energy efficiency measures. Be wary of companies promising to be carbon neutral – this just means carbon offsetting, and can be achieved without actually reducing any emissions at all. Our goal is to lower our emissions at the source.

Upcoming Projects

We are currently undertaking a pioneering restoration project on the brickwork of our building, which will save 1,200 unnecessary new bricks and preserve London’s rich industrial heritage. We plan to install solar panels on our roof in the summer of 2024 to power the majority of the business.

Our Garden

The Castle’s 1.4 hectare organic permaculture garden is unique to any climbing centre. It improves urban biodiversity, provides a home to many creatures and grows food to supply our café and local food banks.

Past Achievements

  • In 2017 we won the Rushlight Energy Reduction Award for our innovative ventilation system

  • By 2018 we were exclusively using 100% green energy and frack-free gas

  • In ten years (2008-2018) we halved our annual electricity consumption – despite the fact the centre had grown in size and visitor numbers had increased substantially